Student life at Aditya International School
At Aditya International School, our typical day starts at 8.20 AM and ends at 2:30 PM from Monday to Friday and alternate Saturday. While ensuring serious studies, we also conduct and encourage students to participate in various extracurricular activities like Dance, Music, Abacus, robotics, aeromodelling during the school hours. But we also conduct some extracurricular activities on weekends.
The first bell is the prayer bell. Students stand in the queue of their respective class. The day starts with a prayer and ends with the National Anthem. We start our day with a well-designed timetable that includes academics, co-curricular, extracurricular blended with other activities and two breaks.
Apart from the curriculum, we learn basic life skills and values. Our teachers emphasize practicing values punctuality, discipline and morals in daily life. The school ends at 2:30 PM with a closing prayer. Students leave for the day with beautiful memories about everything they’ve learned!